Kamisaka Sekka: Inheriting the Timeless Rimpa Spirit

Kamisaka Sekka (1866-1942) was a designer and painter active in Kyoto in a variety of fields, from textiles, ceramics and lacquering to interior decoration and landscaping. His model was the Rimpa school: transmitted intermittently during the Edo period (1603-1868) by Hon’ami Kōetsu, Tawaraya Sōtatsu, Ogata Kōrin and Sakai Hōitsu, it had influenced various fields of arts and crafts. In this exhibition, we trace the development of the aesthetic of Edo period Rimpa, which served as a model for Sekka, and introduce the diverse world of “modern Rimpa” Kamisaka Sekka, whose designs bring color to everyday life.

Image credit: Kamisaka Sekka, Flowers of a Hundred Worlds: Momoyogusa (detail), Hosomi Museum


Kamisaka Sekka: Inheriting the Timeless Rimpa Spirit


3F Temporary Exhibition Room


April 19 (Sat) – June 1 (Sun), 2025


April 21 (Mon), May 7 (Wed), May 19 (Mon)

Opening Hours

9:00 – 18:00 (last admission 17:30)


Adults 1300 yen (advance ticket 1000 yen)
※Free for high school students and younger, Nagasaki Rekibun Tomo no Kai, Campus Members


Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture


Nagasaki Culture Telecasting


Hosomi Museum

Special Sponsor

JR Kyushu Service Support Co., Ltd., JTB & JCB Human Solutions Corp.


Nagasaki Prefecture, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefectural Board of Education, Nagasaki City Board of Education, Nagasaki Prefectural Nagasaki Library, Nagasaki City Library, The Nagasaki Shimbun Co., Ltd., The Nishinippon Shimbun Co., Ltd., The Asahi Shimbun Company, The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd., Yomiuri Shimbun Seibu Co., Ltd., Kyodo News Nagasaki Agency, NHK Nagasaki Broadcasting Station, Nagasaki Cable Media Inc., FM Nagasaki Co., Ltd., Nagasaki Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nagasaki Prefecture Taxi Association, Nagasaki Prefecture Tourism Association, Nagasaki International Tourism and Convention Association

Project Cooperation

ARTONE Co., Ltd.


Advance ticket providers (on sale until April 18):
Ticket PIA (P-code: 687-188), Lawson Ticket (L-code: 81759), Seven Ticket (Seven code: 109-514), CN Playguide, Books Kinokuniya Nagasaki Store (Youme Town Yumesaito), Metroshoten Honten (Amu Plaza Nagasaki)

神坂雪佳 『百々世草』より 「狗児」 細見美術館蔵